There are plenty of excellent tour operators, and Photographers running trips explicitly focused on specific aspects of photography; nature, culture, festivals and so on, and these kinds of specialised tours may well be your preference.
However, if you don’t want to make photography the core of your trip and want to combine a cultural, festival or adventure itinerary with some opportunities to take some special, out of the ordinary photos, capturing the scenery, architecture, culture, way of life, food, then read on. See our advice page for more information on photography etiquette.
If you are interested in bird photography, see our dedicated itinerary, here.
We have guides that understand how important light is to a photographer, and use apps that have sunrise / sunset times and maps with where the sun sets and rises, and where it is through the day, to help get the best light for your dramatic shots; golden morning light on a Dzong, twilight when the Dzong is lit up, dramatic mountain scenery in the late afternoon haze, and so on. Note that you will struggle to get photos early / late in the dzongs and lhakhangs, as opening hours are mostly 9AM to 4 or 5 PM.
You don’t need to go far from a standard itinerary to get the shot of your dreams; Bhutan is a photographer’s paradise, amateur or professional.